Friday, April 15, 2011

Tum, Tum, Tum

I bought my daughter a CD of Brazilian kids music yesterday. Brazilian music is just fabulous in general, and this Putamayo CD is no exception. I'm going to have to learn to sing the second song to her—the heartbeat sound is so fun. I found it on You Tube, so I thought I'd share it with you.

And here are the lyrics.

(Português) || (English)
No tempo que eu era só || When I was alone
E não tinha amor nenhum || And didn't have anyone to love
Meu coração batia mansinho: || My heart beats like this:
Tum, tum tum || Tum, tum tum

Depois veio você || And then I saw you
O meu amor número um || My number one love
E o meu coração pôs-se bater || And my heart started to beat
Tum, tum, tum, tum, tum. || Tum, tum, tum, tum, tum.

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